Saturday, 24 March 2012

Small and medium sized businesses can now buy ‘off the shelf ’ accounting Software at remarkably low cost. Larger businesses will often have customized programs made for their business. The accounting software carry functions such computer generated Sales invoices , that will help automatic calculation of Sales Tax, Inventory/ Stock update, Customers Balance update, Cash Book update, or maintenance of Bank Account , and regular accounting reports such as trading and profit or loss accounts and balance sheets at touch of a button. The results are shown in seconds. You just have to post your entry only once, the computer will do the rest of the work to update all  related accounting books.

Computerized accounting software provides major advantage such as speed and accuracy of operation. It has the  ability to show the real picture of the company’s financial position in the form of Financial Statements and in the forms Graphs, pie charts etc, that may help  for making timely  decision and financial analysis.


A typical computerized accounting package will offer a number of different facilities. These include:

1.       On- the screen input and printout of sales invoices
2.       Automatic updating of customers balance in the sales ledger,
3.       Automatic Sales Tax Calculations,
4.       Automatic up date of Stock / inventory
5.       Recording of suppliers’ invoices,
6.       Up to date supplier’s Balance
7.       instant financial reports that can help control on marginal costs.
                                          8.   Customers Balance, Supplier Balance, Sales Tax balance and up to date stock / inventory,
                                                 Profit or loss Account at your finger tips

This is the age of computers.  Computers may help you to do your more easily and efficiently. It can show you the real picture of your business in the form of graphs so that you can make a profitable decision in time.   It is time to convert your manual accounting system into computerized Accounting system.

          Let us convert your manual accounting system into computerized Accounting system .
 Let the computers work for you 

 Amir Sarfraz
Ph : 0336-4850717


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